With Bryan's schedule, we only get one weekend together each month. We woke up extremely late on Saturday to slushy snow outside. Since the day was now shot for outside work, we decided to go on a street vacation. We chose to drive down to Bridal Veil Falls in Provo Canyon. Partially due to its proximity, but also because Bryan took a picture of the train cars a couple years ago with the 35 mm, and wanted to get more shots with his medium format. We started our drive with rain in Logan, and then beautiful sunshine through Ogden and Davis County. We stopped at the London Market in Salt Lake and then went by Moochie's for the best Philly cheesesteaks. It started raining again, and poured the entire way to Provo Canyon. We arrived at the falls with the rain falling harder. We waited a little while to see if the weather would change, but it kept getting worse. So we moved on to the train cars. Here it was pouring rain with brutal gusts of wind. The longer we waited, the snowier the rain became. We finally gave up, and started our way back down the canyon. We then came across a small black Honda that had obviously lost control and ended up sandwiched in the mud. I noticed there were people still inside the car and made Bryan go back to help. The two guys in the car were definitely shaken up; they had a hard time communicating, and were a little scared of us. Bryan hooked up the chain and slowly backed them out of their situation. Once we knew they were ok, we got back in the truck to start our journey home; this is when I realized IT WASN'T RAINING! We hurried up to the train cars and started snapping away. Bryan got all the pictures he wanted, and I even took a few. We stopped at the falls and finished the roll. It always pays to do the right thing.