My teeth have sweaters I can't get rid of (you definitely were not expecting that, were you?).
When I was first dating Bryan, he made the comment once about the sweaters on his teeth were driving him nuts. Sweaters? What the...? Sweaters is the cozy plaque that likes to build on your teeth. Brushing and flossing daily will usually solve a sweater problem, but every 6 months or so you need a real deep scrub from the dentist's office. Today I elected to have sweaters put
on my teeth. I am finally part of the 'metal mouth club', and it is no picnic.
The pain is agony, and Tylenol does absolutely no good, so I've stopped the alternate medicine routine and been sticking with ibuprofen, which is doing okay. But then I tried to eat. Yesterday I went grocery shopping, and loaded up on soups, yogurts, ice cream, spaghetti-o's and on. I cracked open a can of Chicken Noodle, heated it, and sat down in front of my computer to enjoy a lovely warm bowl of steaming liquid to only realize the noodles kept getting caught on the wires. I wasn't really able to chew, so I pretty much drank my soup. Plus the bottom front wire kept scraping the inside of my lip making me think a noodle was somehow getting trapped lengthwise in the braces. However, once the nutrition hit my tummy, my teeth actually did hurt less. Then I had myself a nice cold drink which really helped my aching mouth. I know I'm a total wimp, but the thought of having to last a week or so before I finally get used to my sweaters is making me seriously reconsider my choice. But if I pulled them off, then what was the good of having 4 teeth pulled to make the room for the others to be straight? That orthodontist was pun intended...he realized with 4 teeth gone it would be great motivation to stick with the sweaters plan.
So hopefully soon, I will no longer have 4 gaping holes in my smile, or a line of wire, or these odd clear plastic things that stick a mile off my teeth. No longer will there be the worry of my tooth next to my front teeth pushing behind, making front tooth B kick out at a funny angle. And I will finally be rid of that oddball canine that has never truly bugged me, except right now, as the bracket makes it even more noticeable. Being 13 the first time around was hard enough. I'm not relishing the idea of living it all over again for the next 18-24 months.