Someway, somehow, the four of us have made it to the thirties of pregnancy. In the beginning I wasn't sure if I'd last a few days, let alone a week, but to think I've gone just over six weeks? I know I'm an overachiever but even that has exceeded my expectations. On Saturday when I turned 30 for the second time in my life, I knew for a fact I could make it another four weeks. The twins would be 34 weeks, and would be able to breathe, eat and maintain body temperature so would be coming home with me, rather than spending endless amounts of time in the NICU. Then last night I came crashing down off my high horse. I've had a few moments of despair and soul searching tears, but last night was a little different and it was over the silliest thing imaginable. Since I'm stuck in my bed, I've been ordering what I need off the internet. It's been an eye opener at how much is not available on the worldwide web, and how ridiculous retailers are at trying to open shop online. For example, Michael's has a website where you can view everything they sell, but you cannot purchase one blasted thing off the web. You can make a wishlist, even pin items, but actually purchase said items? Well that would be insane. JoAnn's will allow you purchase some items online, but only what is not available in the store. If it's inhouse, you have to go inhouse. Yesterday I got one of many packages in the mail from Motherhood. I tried on the novelty of nursing bras and to my dismay, found they did not fit at all. After much agony and tears, I decided to exchange them for a smaller size and different style. Alas, the internet struck again. I could get to the home page, but go past that, and all you get is error code after error. I had been so pleased that I had found ways around my debacle of bed rest, and having that independence dashed was the straw that broke my camel's back. In the end, I filled out the return form, and then wrote in all the reasons I was returning. At the bottom was a section for comments, and I commented at length.
However, there is a pot of gold at the end of this 30-something's rainbow. After spending much time in the hospital, and getting a grand tour of the OR (since that's where I'll deliver whether c-section or not), Bryan decided our camera was way too bulky for this particular experience. He did a bunch of research and we got ourselves or first point-and-click digital camera. However, we still went over the top. It's a Pentax, can take pictures under water at up to 50 feet in depth, will shoot video, and even will recognize a face and take a picture automatically
when said face smiles. So we played "November Rain" on my belly again and videoed the song. I've posted just a small section, but you can see both babies kick at Bryan's phone. The kicks to the left (and underneath most of the time) of the phone are baby girl. The kicks to the bottom right are baby boy. And when the phone really bounces up? That's both of them kicking in unison.
We also had our first baby shower, and Bryan took a before and after picture. The before shows how gargantuan I've gotten, and the after...well you wouldn't know there's two babies growing in my belly under all those clothes and blankets. It's a blast to the past of skinny Jenny, and I miss her.

Bed rest has helped me to appreciate little things, like the simple task of getting out of bed in the morning and walking to the kitchen to pour your own bowl of cereal. Bryan brings me a bowl of dry cereal every morning, covered in cling wrap to keep germs out, and sets it atop our mini fridge. All I have to do is stop on my way back from bathroom break number one of the day (which was just after bathroom break forty-five an hour earlier), pour in some milk and climb back into bed. I've also learned that Bryan knows how to grocery shop, do laundry and dishes. He's a master at coupon shopping, and somehow has managed to spend much less money than I do, yet obtain a ton more food. My pot of gold has more richness than I ever could have imagined. Two little souls that finally decided to make their journey here, two dogs who keep me company outside my bedroom window, and a husband who has been at my beck and call without a peep of complaint.