Here we are visiting Bryan for lunch, eating the twins most favorite take-out, McDonald's.
A shot while we still had the high chairs and the brand new toddler sized table. There has been much scooching back and forth as each twin tries to wrestle the table closest to them.
Birthday money in a card. These two have no concept of money, yet here they are smiling gleefully at their luck, and proudly counting out how many dollars.
A trip to our closest park. Laith took off on a random walk that resulted in Bryan running the 100 meter dash. We didn't think he'd be that interested in the dog that walked by. He was determined to find it.
Not often we get a nice pose from this rambunctious kiddo. He moves too fast usually. However, this instance, he sat up on the bench and yelled 'Cheese' out to Bryan.
The beginnings of my garden. I love how the flowers and bushes lead up to it, just didn't realize how truly beautiful they do look.
The blast of red and blue in our front flower garden that coincides with July fourth. I swear this is just a happy accident.
Vivienne's most favorite spot while I work. Her bum is always squished in next to mine and she plays on my phone or her tablet. I'm sure her pretend play involves her version of work.
Once again, a rare pose. How can you resist that cheeky grin!
My garden a few weeks back, while the peas were still giving us yummy pods. The corn is already twice as tall now and tassels are out. I even can see one ear of corn starting to grow.
A moment in time on the plane ride to visit family in Utah. Bryan had the brilliant idea of us buying the bench with him just across in the aisle seat. We were lucky on both flights, to have no one next to Bryan, so we were able to 'switch' twins as needed during the 1 hour 20 minute flight.
Last winter, a rare moment when both babies were in my lap and wanted to smile. I try to get a picture for the daily grandpa text, but it doesn't always work out. This one was the million dollar prize.
After a day of playing outside. The trucks, rocks and dirt all had a great time, especially on his face. This was a day we were practicing two new rules. 1.) Be nice and 2.) Stop getting into things. The failure of both rules led to a play date with the backyard to help cool mommy down.
Vivienne discovered the valve cover could fit on her head and shouted 'Cheese!'
After too many falls from the bar height dining table (which I loved...I miss sitting in the sky), we resorted to a regular height dining table. The tablecloth covers our table like a shroud of Turin. I plan on making a fitted table cloth, as I'm tired of replacing the cloth every time Laith rips it off. He laughs his head off finding his trick absolutely funny, which is the source of much consternation for me.
The slug I found the morning we left for Utah. I was so grossed out...they're just slimy and yucky looking. I ran back in for salt after documenting my find, and poured it all over, to just be grossed out even further. If you ever salt attack a slug, don't stick around to watch.
A couple of trick-or-treat bags I made from leftover fabric for the table runner project I made last fall.
The gate I fixed while Bryan was in Seattle. There is a VAST difference in moisture from winter to summer here. During the winter, the gate swells and I have to lean on the fence, giving just enough push, to close the gate. In the summer, the latch barely will make it and was finally to the point it was hitting the ball end of the latch and wouldn't shut. In a fit of frustration, I wedged the latch as best I could, determined Bryan would fix it when he was back. Later, it resulted in Nivia escaping, me realizing at about eight pm, and hauling the twins into the car, driving around the local neighborhoods shouting her name. I didn't find her, and went home angry and heartbroken for my dog. I fixed the latch and went to bed dejected. Around one am, I got a call from the vet office, Nivia had been found. The next day, we got another call in the afternoon, this time from the humane society. That wily dog had escaped again. But not because the gate failed. She clawed a fence board off and squeezed her way through. Jax was still around. His tired old body wasn't up for an exploration. Thankfully Bryan was almost home when we got that call and he was able to slap a board across the fence slats, to keep her from clawing another off.
The flowers I received as a result of Nivia's escapade. They really did help me feel better.
The fort we built while Bryan was in Seattle. It didn't last long, but the twins had a blast trying to put the blanket back up, and jumping in and out onto pillows.
Last, but definitely not the least, the selfie Vivienne took. Yes, she put my phone on the camera setting, held it out to me, saying cheese. I held it up and she gave me this sweet smile. I was over 30 when my first selfie was taken...I can only imagine what technology she will have when she's over 30...