Saturday, July 12, 2008

Here at Ten

I never would have guessed simple flirting would find the love of your life. It all started with an invitation to go swimming at a cousin's house. Which turned into sharing a Hagen Daaz Ice Cream carton at Barnes Park in Kaysville. The close proximity was perfect for a first kiss, and was much enjoyed. The next day I was invited to spend time with the extended family, which was a big step for only the "third" date. As true soul mates do, love was professed and returned, and the beginning of Crimson and Howitzer was initiated.
A decade seems like an eternity, but time keeps ticking and it passes by. It's nice to know that your best friend is always by your side, through wonderful and horrible. Many more decades will pass, and we know each ten year mark will be as significant as this first one.

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