Monday, March 8, 2010

"We're Going Wabbit Hunting"

In the habitual close up shop, bedtime routine, I went to feed the dogs and let them in for the night. As we work on the basement, I've been feeding them on the back deck, instead of downstairs. Tonight was no different. After I doled their food out, and Nivia hurriedly scarfed down her bit, she wandered out to the grass. Jax finished his food, and I went to let them in. Jax rushed inside, the wimp he is, but Nivia wouldn't budge from the grass. I yelled for her to hurry up, and that's when I noticed a lump. Huh? I went out to investigate and found what I thought was a duck. I came back in and told Bryan what I'd found. He got dressed again, put shoes on and found gloves to only come back to the door needing a shovel and flashlight. This was no duck. It was a pheasant. Somehow, our baby girl caught a vicious pheasant, killed it, and with Jax's help ate the guts, breast and head (SICK!!). Nivia was extremely proud of herself; she was preening downstairs. You could see in her eyes how badly she wanted acceptance from us of her achievement. Unfortunately for them, the basement was cleared up and a small space was fenced up for them to sleep in. No shacking up in the master bedroom tonight with bird germs microscopically lurking on their fur. Hopefully they'll only suffer from some upset tummies from their big feast.

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