Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Soon to be For Sale

9 years of blood sweat and tears, soon it will be for sale....

It's Official

The long wait is over and it's now official, we will be moving to Vancouver Washington.
We will miss Logan but we are very excited for all the new things to see and do. I must thank my wife for all of her support. She supported us when I decided to change careers and quit turning wrenches. She has spent many nights at home alone while I'm at work, not to mention the 3 months I was living in California for training. It has been a long 8 years but I finally will have my own store and work mostly day shifts. We have lived here for almost a decade and it will be tough to watch it shrink into the distance as we take the next step in our journey. Now the fun really begins....they want me there by Saturday.

Oh, and I'm going to need a lot more film, the area around Vancouver is a photographer's dream come true.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

fall outings

Every fall the Kokanee Salmon at Porcupine reservoir turn a brilliant red color and run up stream to spawn. If you have a chance to see it you won't be disappointed.

While taking pictures a fish jumped three feet out of the water so I snapped a shot real quick. I had to crop it because I had my super wide lens on so it's not that clear but you can tell it's a fish.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Uintah Autumn

After spending the last two months waiting on a precipice, I decided that waiting was yesterday's news and told Bryan we'd be taking an autumn drive. I wanted to go further than the usual close canyons. I've never seen the Uintahs in the fall, and here was a golden opportunity. We woke late on Saturday morning, and packed snacks, along with fishing poles (just in case) and took off. We took the route through Evanston. We arrived in town around lunch. After driving the main drag we decided on McD's. They had a lunch special of a 50 piece nugget with 2 large fries and 2 large drinks. It seemed like a great idea at the time, as much as we could eat with nuggets to snack on all afternoon. Seemed was the operative word. While we ate we watched one 'stellar' employee use the washrag for cleaning tables to clean the floor. Needless to say I lost my appetite. We headed on our way, and stopped at the convenience store for the road pass, and day fishing tags. The store didn't have any road passes left for sale, but we could continue on our way and stop at the ranger station instead. Since they so kindly weren't able to sell us a pass, we didn't bother to ask about fishing licenses. Just as well, it was pretty chilly, and we probably wouldn't have caught much as it had been a full moon. The color was quite beautiful on the way up, but once you reach about 9000 feet or so, you no longer see color, just pine and rock. You never really notice during the summer as everything is green, but it's grossly evident in the fall. Once we started our descent back down the other side, the color reappeared and was glorious. Bryan had a lot of fun capturing autumn with his half sunset filter, half neutral density and polarizer. We even used the red intensifier which made the oranges stand out brilliantly against the colossal amount of yellow. I'm glad I got us out of the house. It was well worth the fuel spent. Now I just need inspiration for the next long weekend.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Light and Glass