Luckily for me, the NICU stay put the twins in a good 3 hour schedule. Every 3 hours we eat, burp, cuddle and go back to sleep, and then I pump, and have anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour and a half. This time is filled quickly with creating more bottles, doing dishes, small chores, work and the occasional nap. After 3 weeks of just that small amount of time to squeeze in as much as I could, and becoming more and more sleep deprived, I've taken up a new tact. I change each baby's diaper, then sit down in the middle of the loveseat, set up the pillows with blankets covering as protection from spit up and spilled milk, lay each baby at a good angle, and then hungry mouths are stuffed with bottles. It's cut feeding time in half. Now only if I had an extra set of arms for burping...

Every once in a while I see myself when looking at our babies, but most of the time I see Bryan. Vivienne is the spitting image of him, and as Laith's cheeks fill in I see Bryan more and more. As I posted these pictures, I noticed for the first time that Vivienne's chin is just as pointy as Laith's, which I know he got from me. She's also turned into quite the momma's girl. Yesterday was their 2 month check up, and they got 2 shots each for immunizations. It was difficult to watch Laith get his shots and know he would cry. It was even harder to then make Vivienne go through the same ordeal. Vivienne unfortunately takes after me with shots, and gets hard little knots from where the needle poked. It causes her to be extremely upset if you even brush her owie. Bryan was trying to soothe her last night to no avail. I offered to take over, and the transfer of her into my arms instantaneously ceased her crying and she went straight to sleep. Although she'll have to get over being momma's girl quickly, I don't mind it for a small while.