Friday, March 6, 2009

Tag, You're It

Earlier this week, we took Elicia to instacare because she was too sick to do so herself. While we waited, Elicia pretended to cough on her hand and put it in Bryan's face. Then when she was finally called back, I went with her for support. While we waited in another room, she mentioned she thought she had strep throat. And I about had a heart attack. For those who don't know, I had strep almost every year from 6 to 19 years old. Since I've been married, I've only had it once. I hate strep with a passion. When I heard this, I immediately covered my mouth, deathly afraid I would get it. Then the doctor came in and said Elicia's test for strep was negative. PHEW! Now I had no worries, as she only had the flu. Then yesterday, I started sneezing like crazy at work. I thought my allergy to mold was acting up, as everything is starting to melt and smell like spring. By bedtime, my left nostril was plugged and the left side of my neck was extremely sensitive to any touch and slightly swollen. I woke up this morning fully stuffed and with a cough. Even though it takes longer than 2 days to get sick with the flu, I'm still holding Elicia responsible (sorry sweetie). But I shouldn't be the one who's sick. It should be Bryan; the germs were in his face, and I was the good Samaritan. Unfair. Tonight as I read the blog circuit, I learned that Criscell is sick too. So beware to the person who reads this: WE'RE HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS - TAG, YOU'RE IT!

1 comment:

Elicia Launi said...

man i feel like the biggest jerk.