Last week at work was spent metering mail. This is an extremely boring job. I stand all day at a machine pushing envelopes through to be stamped with postage. The long hours give me all day to think, and I had an entire week. By Thursday, I was bored out of my skull and started thinking of weekend projects I could do. And I decided I could take on the enormous project of painting the garage. I went to Lowe's after work and purchased everything I needed (Bryan was conveniently working and was able to 'help' me with all my customer needs; more like shop for me). I picked up a 5 gallon bucket of paint and a paint sprayer, as well as a power washer. I got home and cleaned up the driveway and started power washing. I was sopping wet by the time I finished. Especially since I was an idiot and tried to detach the hose while the water was still on. Saturday morning, Bryan was up early to go four-wheeling with some neighbors and I was up right as he left to get going on my project. I started off by pulling all the trim around the garage. When we first bought the house, I thought the country blue rick rack was somewhat cutsie, but now I hate it, and I was excited to pull it all off. I was also armed with several cans of wasp spray and killed about 30 nests that each had about 20 wasps. I then finished the power wash job and put together the paint sprayer. I read through the instructions several times, and once again as I put everything together. I carefully filtered the paint into the container and slowly twisted it onto the spray gun. I plugged it in and walked over to the garage and started to spray. And it worked! For only 3 seconds. Then it globbed big splotches. I immediately stopped and pulled everything apart and cleaned the inner workings. I tried again with the same exact result. I pulled it apart again, cleaned the parts, and poured out half the paint and added some water to thin it. The same blotchy result again, and boy was I ticked. I cleaned everything, laid it to dry and took off for Lowe's to buy rollers and tray liners. I was going to finish this project even if it meant all day painting. It actually went a little faster than I thought. I did the west wall first and then moved out front. The ladder situation for painting was...scary. I'm not too afraid of heights, but I don't like heights on rickety ladders with angry wasps. I've been stung enough times to really hate the suckers, and each time they came near I wanted to jump off the 12 foot ladder and run like a bat out of hell. Somehow I finished without hurting myself or getting stung. I took a break for lunch and figured Bryan would be home soon. After lunch I started on the east wall and looked out front every time someone drove by. Where was he? I was getting tired and he was having fun. By the time I was on the back wall I now had a vendetta to try and finish the project before he got back. However, I kept losing the battle with the wasps. And I was out of spray. I went to Lowe's and bought more ammunition. I was intent to win the war; both the wasp war and the time war. I had about 1/3 left of the back to do when Bryan suddenly appeared at my elbow. Bummer. He was blown away by how much I had done and jumped in to help me finish. By 4:30 we were done. Hurray! All I have left is to paint the trim around the garage doors.
The next day we tackled our bedroom window. Both of us were tired and sore, but I had more right to the moaning than Bryan. And once again we uncovered a nightmare of Johnson. The window had never properly been seated and was sagging along the top. The header? Just 2x4s, extremely rotted. And to boot? The Reiers who had replaced the roof had put the new rough over the top of the old rotted one. Brilliant! Once we finally removed the rotted wood and moldy Sheetrock, it was off to Lowe's again to get new supplies. We replaced the header with 2x6s built up with particle board and OSB; a new mini beam. The windows went in easily enough and we trimmed them out. We had to pull off one piece of trim as the blinds could not be installed. And it was so late, we nixed installing the blinds (as it meant painting first) and cleaned up. We went to bed extremely late to fish bowls. I wasn't too concerned about anyone peeping in, but the bright flashlight of moon was obnoxious. Yes it was beautiful, all yellow through the smoky haze in the sky, but I wanted to sleep! And it was hot. The cooler installation is going to require some engineering and we had gone for just a fan in the window. About 30 minutes into sleep Bryan got up and put a pillowcase in the window to cover the moonlight. From that point, I was up about every 30-45 minutes freezing. Bryan obviously had been freezing too, and had stolen all the blankets. I huffily pulled them back and tucked myself in. Then 15 minutes later I would wake up boiling and would kick the covers off. At about 5 am, the sun started to peer over the mountains and it was now morning. It was like camping, and I HATE CAMPING!! My alarm went off at 7 and I got up to get ready for work. Bryan is lucky he didn't have to be up for work as I was cranky. Unreasonably cranky.
The first duty today? Paint the window trim and install the blinds! I'll post pictures tomorrow when it's light enough to get a decent photo.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
The Resurrection
Five long years ago, we went to the annual Cache Valley Cruise-In with the Camaro. When we arrived back home, Bryan became concerned about a noise. The strong valve springs had pulled off the threads of the rocker studs. The beast was to be parked. Little did we realize it would take so long to get back to it. In spring 2008, we pulled it off the gravel and loaded it on gargantuan jackstands in front of the garage. Bryan picked out the engine train and pulled it apart. During the past year, we've slowly collected new parts. First were new heads; trick flow aluminums. Then we had to upgrade the cam with a solid lifter cam. Now we needed a Holley Street Dominator intake manifold, and it wouldn't be complete without the Holley Double Pumper carburetor. With 'Frankenstein's' parts assembled, we were ready for surgery. From the long sit, the engine collected goobers, and Bryan set to work cleaning it all up and rebuilding the engine. The valve covers he had collected from long ago ended up being extremely too tall, and new ones were needed. This is the only silly item we've ever bought for an engine. It was a total want. Another ugly set would have been fine, but you can't argue with Chevy Orange. After a month of rebuilding, and the last two weeks entire time spent on the car, Bryan was able to officially start it yesterday. And we woke to pouring rain. It was a battle of the gods. Thor wanted thunder and lightning, Mr. Horsepower wanted sunshine and exhaust. It was a back and forth all day. We won the morning hours, and then had to retreat for lunch and a downpour. Then the sun came back out and we were able to fiddle a few more things, and then claps of thunder. At long last, every piece was finally assembled and the beast was turned over. Eureka! Life! And then the largest torrential downpour I've ever seen. The kind of fat raindrops that create 'wet' rain. And Bryan was boiling mad. By hell or high water (hee hee), we were going to win. Bryan went out after the rain stopped and brought the beast back to life. And the rain came back in sheets. At this point, who cared anymore. We were winning this one. So the throttle was pulled and the great beast hollered. The more it rained, the more fuel we gave. Until suddenly the rain stopped. Thor had given up, and Mr. Horsepower triumphed his win with a twenty minute cam break-in. I'm sure we irked many of our neighbors, but they irked us when they called the city about the beast. The roar of the syncopated drumbeats were music to our ears, and the smiles stretched from ear to ear. Today the oil was changed out, and we took the Camaro for a short test drive. And it was wonderful. There is something special about the smell of old cars; a mix of gasoline, old vinyl, exhaust fumes and oil. The rumble under my feet was exhilarating, and I can't wait to go get ice cream in her again. It's been much too long.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Happy Birthday to Me
"If you have not already abandoned your old economic cash cow, she has surely dried up by now. You should be finished with it by moving your profits to newer, fresher possibilities. One of the keys to success is knowing when to get out."
Huh? I thought horoscopes were meant to be...deep. Definitely not that one. I was hoping for something like 'today's your day!', or even 'a bright future lies ahead'. But no, it tells me doom and gloom. Whatever. I also found a site that figures out exactly how old you are. I am exactly 15251653 minutes old. Maybe that will take care of the almost 30 blues, although I'm not all that worried about being 30 in a year because I'm now the eternal 29! :)
As a kid I loved my birthday. The day was dedicated to me. My mom would make our most favorite dinner for the birthday meal. And mine was always homemade noodles and chicken. It is the best! And it HAS to be homemade. My poor mom, always slaving away over a hot stove on some of the hottest days of the year. Oops! :? And then we got our favorite cake. Mine is still yellow cake with chocolate frosting and sprinkles. It's not perfect without sprinkles. Bryan and Criscell made me this cake one year, and literally had to throw the sprinkles at the cake trying to get them to stick.
So Happy Birthday to all the Leos out there!
Huh? I thought horoscopes were meant to be...deep. Definitely not that one. I was hoping for something like 'today's your day!', or even 'a bright future lies ahead'. But no, it tells me doom and gloom. Whatever. I also found a site that figures out exactly how old you are. I am exactly 15251653 minutes old. Maybe that will take care of the almost 30 blues, although I'm not all that worried about being 30 in a year because I'm now the eternal 29! :)
As a kid I loved my birthday. The day was dedicated to me. My mom would make our most favorite dinner for the birthday meal. And mine was always homemade noodles and chicken. It is the best! And it HAS to be homemade. My poor mom, always slaving away over a hot stove on some of the hottest days of the year. Oops! :? And then we got our favorite cake. Mine is still yellow cake with chocolate frosting and sprinkles. It's not perfect without sprinkles. Bryan and Criscell made me this cake one year, and literally had to throw the sprinkles at the cake trying to get them to stick.
So Happy Birthday to all the Leos out there!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
The Accident Chronicles
**Warning! Reader must be prepared for a long read. And come equipped with beverages and snacks.**
Occasionally at lunchtime I will find I do not in any way feel like what I brought for the day. Last Tuesday was one of those times. I had leftover goolash, but McDonald's just seemed so much more appetizing. So I grabbed my keys and headed to the haven of golden arches. When I arrived at my destination, there were many cars in the drive-thru. The wait was long enough, that 3 vehicles decided to skip Mickey D's and go somewhere else. And this is when the person in front of me made the same decision. Instead of using the rearview mirror, side mirrors, or heaven forbid, turn around and look, she put it in reverse and headed straight back. I didn't think much when I first saw the white reverse lights, until they came back at me at full speed. I began to honk my horn to warn the driver, but to no avail. She smashed right into me. As my car was already in neutral (those who have autos have no idea what I'm talking about right now), I pulled up the e-brake and prepared for the other driver to get out of her car and begin profusely apologizing. Nope. No such thing happened. She actually put her car in drive, and almost took off! I hurridly ejected my seat belt and leaped out of my car, screaming "OI, YOU HIT ME!!!!" To my luck (maybe?) she stopped. I walked up to her driver's window and asked why she tried to leave when she just hit me. Her reply? Nothing. Was she mute? Most definitely not. I then asked her to please get out of her car and come look at the damage. And she said, no she could see the damage from where she was. I came back with "Oh really? Well, you can get out of your car and assess the damage or we can involve the police." Again she shot back with no, and calling the police wasn't necessary. I don't know what possessed me to keep asking this redundant question, but once again I wanted her to get out of the vehicle to look at the damage and exchange info. I should've known by now the answer would be no. And again it was, along with "that won't be necessary because I work for the sheriff's office." And my smart aleck reply? "So?" I demanded her information and all she could find was her name and number. Extremely surprising. Apparently she had no idea who the car was insured with because it was her fiance's and was insured with his parents until they were married. I should've known this was a farce, as she was not the typical baby 19 year old, and had mentioned at some point she was getting lunch for her kids (and why I needed to know this? I don't know). Any ways, she gave me her fiance's name and told me to call him to get the insurance info. She then left the scene of the crime, before I had any chance to get the make and model of her vehicle, or the license plate. Well, I was still hungry. So I ordered my lunch, and while waiting in the drive-thru, called Bryan to see if I should call the police. He said yes, and I placed the call to dispatch. An officer was sent, but no case was opened, as it happened on private property and was less than $1500 damage. All he could do was make sure I got her info. I told him I had gotten her name and number, but that was it. He didn't seem too concerned. Then I mentioned her comment about where she worked and he suggested I call the sheriff's office and lodge a complaint. He agreed with me that she had used her position to try and intimidate me. For any who don't know me, this is the best way to get my hackles up. I am NO follower, never have been, never will be. Independent is the name of the game. When I called the fiance, he wouldn't give me the info because he wasn't sure I was legit. Naive as I am (I've never been involved in an accident in my 13 years of driving), I told him to speak to the girl, and to please have her call me. When she did later that evening, it was to be extremely rude and then say I was verbally abusive. What?! If she thinks a loud voice and a peeved person due to her incooperation, then I have no idea what she would think of a true abuser. She said she would meet me at my work the next day at 1:30 pm. Well, Wednesday's 1:30 came and went. No offender. I had already notified my insurance, and so called them back to update them of the events. They placed several calls, and on Thursday I tried to reach her again. No luck. She completely avoided me and the insurance agent. So enough was enough, and Bryan and I drove out to the sheriff's office to see if her car was in the parking lot. And it was! Finally I was able to have some hard information (the insurance couldn't find anything for her name or the number she gave me). I called and updated the agent again with the plate number and they contacted the DMV. Meanwhile, on Wednesday morning I called the sheriff's office and lodged a complaint against her. At the time, the lieutenant in charge was not in, so I left a voicemail. Just last night, he called me back. He was extremely apologetic for her behavior and was very disappointed in how she had handled the situation. He asked if everything had been resolved, and I told him no and all what had happened. At this point he was furious, and let me know this was not common practice of the sheriff's office. I told him not to worry, I knew her behavior was not a direct reflection of their policies; just her inability to act as an adult. He assured me she would resolve the issue that night. Well no later than an hour later she called again. And she was RUDE. Not that I entirely blame her. I'm sure she got quite a grilling about everything, but I wasn't too upset. In my mind's eye, she had this coming. Once again she wanted to meet. Her excuse for the last time was that I lied and gave her the wrong address. When she tried again (after finding my work's address), my car was never there. Which again is a farce. I work every day M-F from 8-4. I work when I'm well and sick as a dog. Nothing stops me. She actually showed up for the appointment today, and I was finally able to get her insurance company's name. All of this hassle for one word, Progressive. Ridiculous is more like it. Oh and to top everything off, when she came she brought an officer with her. He asked if we had called the police the day of the accident and she said she hadn't but I claimed I had. I HATE when people call me a liar. I do have my vices, but liar does not describe me. When the officer asked me, I replied with yes and explained how she left, I called and the cop sent out didn't make an official case, but that dispatch would have record of my call, and the officer that day would most likely have a report mentioning going to McD's for my problem. Her paper with the insurance information also had a note saying I was "unreasonable and abusive". When? I had barely been able to get a word in edgewise in the two phone conversations we had. And I was proud of myself. I hadn't once lost my temper and scream or say cuss words. I had not been lackluster about her disdain, but had not gone over the top in any way. Her last words to the officer? "I don't want her ever to contact me again." Why would I? All I needed was her insurance, and I now had it. (Oh, and her insurance was under her fiance's name, not his parents. Big surprise.)
So the lesson learned? Be well schooled in what to do when an accident happens. Always, ALWAYS, call the police, and try to keep the offender there if at all possible. Always get the license plate number FIRST before speaking with the offender. And for Utahns, here's the exact info the operator of the vehicle is meant to give you: Name, number, address, plate number, insurance, insurance phone number and insurance agent if known. Also at the time of the accident, you may ask to see their driver's license, and they are NOT to refuse. If any of this information is not disclosed, it is a Class B misdemeanor.
Occasionally at lunchtime I will find I do not in any way feel like what I brought for the day. Last Tuesday was one of those times. I had leftover goolash, but McDonald's just seemed so much more appetizing. So I grabbed my keys and headed to the haven of golden arches. When I arrived at my destination, there were many cars in the drive-thru. The wait was long enough, that 3 vehicles decided to skip Mickey D's and go somewhere else. And this is when the person in front of me made the same decision. Instead of using the rearview mirror, side mirrors, or heaven forbid, turn around and look, she put it in reverse and headed straight back. I didn't think much when I first saw the white reverse lights, until they came back at me at full speed. I began to honk my horn to warn the driver, but to no avail. She smashed right into me. As my car was already in neutral (those who have autos have no idea what I'm talking about right now), I pulled up the e-brake and prepared for the other driver to get out of her car and begin profusely apologizing. Nope. No such thing happened. She actually put her car in drive, and almost took off! I hurridly ejected my seat belt and leaped out of my car, screaming "OI, YOU HIT ME!!!!" To my luck (maybe?) she stopped. I walked up to her driver's window and asked why she tried to leave when she just hit me. Her reply? Nothing. Was she mute? Most definitely not. I then asked her to please get out of her car and come look at the damage. And she said, no she could see the damage from where she was. I came back with "Oh really? Well, you can get out of your car and assess the damage or we can involve the police." Again she shot back with no, and calling the police wasn't necessary. I don't know what possessed me to keep asking this redundant question, but once again I wanted her to get out of the vehicle to look at the damage and exchange info. I should've known by now the answer would be no. And again it was, along with "that won't be necessary because I work for the sheriff's office." And my smart aleck reply? "So?" I demanded her information and all she could find was her name and number. Extremely surprising. Apparently she had no idea who the car was insured with because it was her fiance's and was insured with his parents until they were married. I should've known this was a farce, as she was not the typical baby 19 year old, and had mentioned at some point she was getting lunch for her kids (and why I needed to know this? I don't know). Any ways, she gave me her fiance's name and told me to call him to get the insurance info. She then left the scene of the crime, before I had any chance to get the make and model of her vehicle, or the license plate. Well, I was still hungry. So I ordered my lunch, and while waiting in the drive-thru, called Bryan to see if I should call the police. He said yes, and I placed the call to dispatch. An officer was sent, but no case was opened, as it happened on private property and was less than $1500 damage. All he could do was make sure I got her info. I told him I had gotten her name and number, but that was it. He didn't seem too concerned. Then I mentioned her comment about where she worked and he suggested I call the sheriff's office and lodge a complaint. He agreed with me that she had used her position to try and intimidate me. For any who don't know me, this is the best way to get my hackles up. I am NO follower, never have been, never will be. Independent is the name of the game. When I called the fiance, he wouldn't give me the info because he wasn't sure I was legit. Naive as I am (I've never been involved in an accident in my 13 years of driving), I told him to speak to the girl, and to please have her call me. When she did later that evening, it was to be extremely rude and then say I was verbally abusive. What?! If she thinks a loud voice and a peeved person due to her incooperation, then I have no idea what she would think of a true abuser. She said she would meet me at my work the next day at 1:30 pm. Well, Wednesday's 1:30 came and went. No offender. I had already notified my insurance, and so called them back to update them of the events. They placed several calls, and on Thursday I tried to reach her again. No luck. She completely avoided me and the insurance agent. So enough was enough, and Bryan and I drove out to the sheriff's office to see if her car was in the parking lot. And it was! Finally I was able to have some hard information (the insurance couldn't find anything for her name or the number she gave me). I called and updated the agent again with the plate number and they contacted the DMV. Meanwhile, on Wednesday morning I called the sheriff's office and lodged a complaint against her. At the time, the lieutenant in charge was not in, so I left a voicemail. Just last night, he called me back. He was extremely apologetic for her behavior and was very disappointed in how she had handled the situation. He asked if everything had been resolved, and I told him no and all what had happened. At this point he was furious, and let me know this was not common practice of the sheriff's office. I told him not to worry, I knew her behavior was not a direct reflection of their policies; just her inability to act as an adult. He assured me she would resolve the issue that night. Well no later than an hour later she called again. And she was RUDE. Not that I entirely blame her. I'm sure she got quite a grilling about everything, but I wasn't too upset. In my mind's eye, she had this coming. Once again she wanted to meet. Her excuse for the last time was that I lied and gave her the wrong address. When she tried again (after finding my work's address), my car was never there. Which again is a farce. I work every day M-F from 8-4. I work when I'm well and sick as a dog. Nothing stops me. She actually showed up for the appointment today, and I was finally able to get her insurance company's name. All of this hassle for one word, Progressive. Ridiculous is more like it. Oh and to top everything off, when she came she brought an officer with her. He asked if we had called the police the day of the accident and she said she hadn't but I claimed I had. I HATE when people call me a liar. I do have my vices, but liar does not describe me. When the officer asked me, I replied with yes and explained how she left, I called and the cop sent out didn't make an official case, but that dispatch would have record of my call, and the officer that day would most likely have a report mentioning going to McD's for my problem. Her paper with the insurance information also had a note saying I was "unreasonable and abusive". When? I had barely been able to get a word in edgewise in the two phone conversations we had. And I was proud of myself. I hadn't once lost my temper and scream or say cuss words. I had not been lackluster about her disdain, but had not gone over the top in any way. Her last words to the officer? "I don't want her ever to contact me again." Why would I? All I needed was her insurance, and I now had it. (Oh, and her insurance was under her fiance's name, not his parents. Big surprise.)
So the lesson learned? Be well schooled in what to do when an accident happens. Always, ALWAYS, call the police, and try to keep the offender there if at all possible. Always get the license plate number FIRST before speaking with the offender. And for Utahns, here's the exact info the operator of the vehicle is meant to give you: Name, number, address, plate number, insurance, insurance phone number and insurance agent if known. Also at the time of the accident, you may ask to see their driver's license, and they are NOT to refuse. If any of this information is not disclosed, it is a Class B misdemeanor.
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