OK, I am sick and tired of people dogging American car companies...... I was a mechanic for some time and I worked on many brands of vehicles from Honda and Toyota to Ford, Chevrolet, and Dodge. The BMW, Volkswagen, Audi, Mercedes' of the world are by far the worst... Sure when they are new they are amazing, they drive nice, have lots of power, and they have all the luxuries you may or may not want in a car. Now stop and think about the cars you see on the road every day. Why is it that you don't see any these brands older than 5 or 6 years old. The fact is as these vehicles age they turn into money pits, lots of extra parts to fail and when they do you better cash in the 401k because these parts are expensive. So people just don't own these cars after they are out of warranty, this means they end up in junk yards. Well the EPA doesn't allow cars to sit on the junk yard lots for very long these days so that means they take the engine and trans out at the wrecking yard and crush the rest. Now allow me to digress, the EPA does this so there aren't affordable parts to keep older cars running. They WANT you to get rid of your old car and buy new technology. This really makes me angry because not everyone in the world can afford new cars and they have made it almost impossible to fix a car and have affordable transportation. So by purchasing the Audi, BMW's, etc. you are consuming massive amounts of natural resources. What, where are the tree huggers on this one? (by tree huggers I mean extremists, calm down, I am a conservationist and love trees) Now let's look at Honda and Toyota, most of the vehicles from these two companies are very dependable cars and I would recommend them to anyone willing to pay a premium price. Just make sure you buy a model assembled in the USA so that some American workers benefit from the purchase. My biggest beef with these companies is they don't build cars that I can ride in comfortably, I'm a big boy and these cars kill my back. Now some of you are saying, Ohhhh but what about the Toyota recall??? well chill out, every manufacturer has had these type of recalls and MANY of them. Why did the government and media make such a big deal about this one? Well Toyota doesn't have unions, so the big powerful unions and the liberals that support them sicked the dogs on Toyota and hope you don't remember the Ford tire recall or the cruise control cable recall or the many fire related electrical recalls, so and so forth.
Now to the big three, these companies build cars that are less expensive, more comfortable, just as dependable(finally) and in many cases get better fuel mileage(i.e. Chevy Cobalt XFE 37mpg). Oh but the socialist powers bailed out GM and Chrysler..... The government gave 6.7billion in pure loans to GM, which have been paid back in full. There was another 49 billion that the government purchased in equities, basically stock in the company. This isn't up to GM to pay back this is up to the government to sell. There is currently no public stock offering for the new GM. There is a bill "auto stock for every taxpayer" that might pass and instead of the government selling the equities you would get stock to do with what you please, CALL YOUR CONGRESSMAN. So the money that GM can control is PAID BACK! Now currently GM employs 250k people and another 500k are employed by dealers and then there is the parts manufacturers, just one example Delphi employs 150k people and there are LOTS of parts manufacturers. So if you buy American you pay the salaries of AMERICANS.... and they spend money where YOU work. If you have a problem with GM or Dodge being bailed out fine, BUY A FORD! I don't like ford because of personal ergonomics and style but they are a good car. The other way to help these manufacturers is to call your Congressman and tell them to vote no on "Card Check". This bill will allow unions more power and control. Unions drive up the cost of goods and they are FOR PROFIT organizations. So the moral of this rant is buy American.... Go to www.americansworking.com to find made in the USA products. The only way out of this economy is temporary isolationism, buy American, employ American, build America.
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