My belly is quickly growing. I outgrew my regular clothes at ten weeks and bought a few maternity pants and shirts. I had to gulp my embarrassment as I never cared for the stretchy jeans look. But the pants were so comfortable, I really didn't care. We took the first picture that night of my expanding midsection, and were both amazed at how big I already was. Then last week, just before the twins turned twelve weeks old, we took another picture and compared, and it blew our socks off. The growth difference was astounding.

There are many perks to having twins, like the early baby bump that helps you feel dreams have come true. Another is ultrasounds. The majority of parents only get one. A little peek at around twenty weeks to make sure all is well, and most times learn if it's boy or girl. Due to the nature of twins, we get to view our babies every time we go to a doctor. Although it sounds frivolous, it most certainly is not. The doctor checks to make sure both babies are growing well and about the same rate, as well as check the heartbeats. If one started to slow down in growth, we'd need to know right away. Today we got to see them again. Each time is breathtaking and leaves me speechless. Two tiny cell conglomerations turned into tiny pieces of rice with heartbeats, that doubled in size in two weeks, doubled again and gave a show at nine and half weeks, and then doubled yet again in three more weeks. The view started with both their heads, snuggled against each other. We then saw baby A, who once again took the center of attention. You could see its facial profile, watch its heart beat quickly and take gulping breaths. Then it raised its little arm, waved its hand and smoothed back its hair. You could see each bone work to make those tiny movements. Baby B had its back to us again. Maybe its because this one can only fit in my skinny body this way, but we think its once again a personality being reflected. The quiet, shy, reserved baby. It gets me wondering if the two play with each other, having little kicking wars? Or do they cuddle together and give each other reassurance and hugs all day? Probably a little of both, as each seems to be in one's character.

The twins's heads

Baby A the Showoff

Baby B the Quiet
Yay for pictures!! I love the bump. This just makes my heart happy. :)
So amazing to see skinny you so obviously pregnant! I second Nancy. This makes my heart happy, too.
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