Here is a profile of our little boy's head. He would not turn in a way that we could get a full profile or a 3D. Hopefully when we go in again he is in a better spot.

Here is a 3D pic of our little girl. The 3D makes them really look like aliens!

Here is a full profile of our little girl.
Our little boy kept punching our little girl in the face, brotherly love already... The tech didn't seam interested in trying very hard to get good pics of our little boy but he was not cooperating either. We are lucky because of having twins they will do another ultrasound in February.
When we got into the room where they were going to do the ultrasound I pulled out my phone and turned it to video. The tech said I couldn't video it. I asked if they were going to burn a copy on video for us and she said no and that they can't because of a federal mandate. Please, do I look that stupid... If that was the case then nobody would get videos of their ultrasounds. No the clinic is just covering their butts. You see there have been cases where babies were born with defects that parents would have aborted had they known and when reviewing the videos of the ultrasounds it was found that it could have been caught. So some of those parents sued and now nobody wants to let you have a video. So because of the liberal pro choice crowd and sue happy freeloaders I don't get to enjoy something this amazing. I'm more annoyed that the clinic can't just own up to it, instead they have to make up excuses.
Love the photos! That's so frustrating about the video, though. Congratulations!!!
Wow! Isn't it just amazing?! I am so happy for you guys!
We have Eli's ultrasound on VHS which is ironic since he is the kid with the birth defect. They didn't find it at the ultrasound that we have recorded though. I must say that it would be interesting to have someone who knows what they are looking at see it to see if the tech missed it! Not that we would sue or anything!
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