Thursday, September 13, 2012

One Fish, Two Fish

Pink fish, blue fish.

Say! What a lot of fish there are.
Some are sleepy, some are glad

Some even hang with Dad.
Not one of them is like another.


Don't ask us why, go ask our mother.

Oh Dr. Seuss how I love you so!  Just wish I could grab the hands of time and keep this part slow.

I watched my babies fall fast asleep in my arms this afternoon...first time all day they've decided to sleep at the same time.  Vivienne screamed if my arms weren't cocooned around her and fell deeply asleep once I gave in.  Laith took his time, but just before he closed his eyes in slumber, he gave me a huge grin, then drifted off to Dreamland.  *Cli-eeeeeeee-ck* goes the camera of my heart.  And then a video of Vivienne's first giggles.  She confuses her emotions often and here she sounds like she's crying but the huge grin across her face tells a different story.  Enjoy!


Greg and Nancy said...

Love it! What a sweet giggle.

Marci said...

I so thought that you would go with Thing One and Thing Two! Just kidding! Call me when you have a free minute (haha)I would love to catch up!