Saturday, May 4, 2013

Blast from Birthday That Has Passed Part 2

This is the last month's worth of growing that happened before our first birthday.  When Laith actually does some sleeping, he conks out hard core.  I enjoy climbing on Mommy's containers while she crafts and play with all the items that Mommy says no-no to.

We had a visit from the Easter Bunny apparently.  I really didn't understand how it all worked, but the Easter eggs Mommy and Daddy kept rolling around were pretty interesting.  Mommy kept trying to fix Laith's hair that likes to poke at all angles.

Daddy decided he'd had enough of Mommy constantly running her hands through Laith's hair and gave him a new buzz hair do.  He'd make a great candidate for a Marine.

One day, I'm going to show these pictures to Mommy and ask her if she'd please, PLEASE, please stop making amazing cupcakes, decorating the house, and wrapping she can get ready for the day.

Grammie, Poppa, Uncle John, and Aunt Becky came to visit us for our first birthday.  Laith found Uncle John's pop out bed and climbed on it over and over again.  He smushed his nose in the carpet many times before he finally gave up.
 See what I mean Mommy?  Please take the time to get ready!
 Maybe something like this.

Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Dallas, Aunt Elicia, Aunt Criscell and Cousin Alex joined us on skype.  Aunt Criscell made me a fairy tutu.  Mommy was a party pooper and wouldn't let me wear it to eat my cake.

I wasn't shy about the cake...Elmo was on it, so no stranger danger there.  Laith had an entirely different take.  He wasn't so sure, and made a bigger mess when he stood up to get to safety (which was currently Mommy's lap).  She kept swiping big bits of frosting for him to eat.  He finally came around and made a much larger mess than I.

The next day we went to the coast for the first time.  It was really sunny at home, but the coast was cloudy with rain.  Mommy bundled us up in jackets that were for 6-month-olds.  Geesh Mommy, time to update!
Uncle John and Aunt Becky wanted to go to Astoria and do a little Goonie recon.  We saw the Goonie house and drove to Cannon beach.  "I can't believe it. That's it! Those three rocks out there. One, two, three." proclaimed Uncle John.
There's Daddy getting his pictures.  He gets really beautiful pictures, but Mommy thinks he takes too long...sometimes we do too.  Mommy keeps trying to put in a 3-picture rule.  Daddy only takes 3 pictures, but since there's no time limit with the rule, he takes as long as he wants.

A few days later, Poppa was trying to get some work done on his technology.  Technology that I just have to examine.  Mommy and Daddy never let me play with their technology.  They're too smart for my advanced wrap-around-the-pinkie-techniques.  Poppa hasn't been around me long enough to know how to resist, and I even convinced him to let Laith have a go.  Then I went into a spastic fit, which made Laith leave, Poppa pick me up, and I could type away to my heart's content.  What can I say?  A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

P.S. We know what happened to that missing key, but we're not telling.  It's too funny watching you double check our stinky diapers.  Plus you and Daddy have been extra attentive to all our needs.  We'll tell you where that key went one day.


Greg and Nancy said...

What a fun post!! Looks like Easter, birthday, and the visit were all a success. :)

Marci said...

I can't believe that they are one! Look how much they have grown! You are doing such a great job raising those sweet babies! Tell them happy birthday from us!