Capitalize on it and don't rely on it. Jen has found she no longer has the steel trap of a memory she once had. Pregnancy has a big impact on memory and Jen, although she is superwoman, is not immune. In the past when one of us remembered and incident often Jen would correct me and I would utter the preprogrammed response, "you are right". Recently as her "mommy brain" has taken over I have found many an opportunity to capitalize on being "right". One such occasion occurred while at my parent's house during our Christmas vacation. Jen was telling a story (I don't remember what the story was about, don't tell Jen) and she was incorrect about the details. I corrected her and she said "oh, your right"... time to capitalize, I said "what was that honey?" she didn't repeat it and I did have a shoe thrown at my head but that moment of rubbing it in was so rewarding :) I countered with a jab about the "mommy brain" she was experiencing and laughed about being able to get used to being "right".
Fun while it lasted but karma is a...
So Jen always makes the travel arrangements and I just pack the gear like a mule. We arrived at the airport yesterday to fly home to Washington. Our flight was at 1pm and the airports website was instructing people to arrive two hours before your flight because it was the busiest day of the year for that airport. We arrived at 11am and the lines were not terrible. We got through security in about a half hour. When we arrived at our gate the board said the flight was at 3pm. I had Jen pull out her itinerary and sure enough 3pm... We then had the luxury of spending the next three and a half hours waiting for our flight. I made no "mommy brain" comments. I didn't get upset, I didn't poke fun. I just learned, don't rely on the "mommy brain" and karma was delivering a large dose for making fun of her the day before.
Karma is a pregnant woman and you don't want to piss her off!
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
I don't get enough time with the camera in Utah
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Lucky Week Thirteen
When I first heard the doctor exclaim "There's two!" my first reaction was tears. They were not tears of joy. They were overwhelmed tears. The kind that you wish weren't in the corner of your eyes, and your psyche is trying to decide fight...or flight? I've always been extremely independent, but for the first time in my life, I realized I couldn't be that way for this particular experience. Originally, today would have been the day we shared with the world our joyous news, but that all changed when the ultrasound revealed two distinct heartbeats.
My belly is quickly growing. I outgrew my regular clothes at ten weeks and bought a few maternity pants and shirts. I had to gulp my embarrassment as I never cared for the stretchy jeans look. But the pants were so comfortable, I really didn't care. We took the first picture that night of my expanding midsection, and were both amazed at how big I already was. Then last week, just before the twins turned twelve weeks old, we took another picture and compared, and it blew our socks off. The growth difference was astounding.

There are many perks to having twins, like the early baby bump that helps you feel dreams have come true. Another is ultrasounds. The majority of parents only get one. A little peek at around twenty weeks to make sure all is well, and most times learn if it's boy or girl. Due to the nature of twins, we get to view our babies every time we go to a doctor. Although it sounds frivolous, it most certainly is not. The doctor checks to make sure both babies are growing well and about the same rate, as well as check the heartbeats. If one started to slow down in growth, we'd need to know right away. Today we got to see them again. Each time is breathtaking and leaves me speechless. Two tiny cell conglomerations turned into tiny pieces of rice with heartbeats, that doubled in size in two weeks, doubled again and gave a show at nine and half weeks, and then doubled yet again in three more weeks. The view started with both their heads, snuggled against each other. We then saw baby A, who once again took the center of attention. You could see its facial profile, watch its heart beat quickly and take gulping breaths. Then it raised its little arm, waved its hand and smoothed back its hair. You could see each bone work to make those tiny movements. Baby B had its back to us again. Maybe its because this one can only fit in my skinny body this way, but we think its once again a personality being reflected. The quiet, shy, reserved baby. It gets me wondering if the two play with each other, having little kicking wars? Or do they cuddle together and give each other reassurance and hugs all day? Probably a little of both, as each seems to be in one's character.

My belly is quickly growing. I outgrew my regular clothes at ten weeks and bought a few maternity pants and shirts. I had to gulp my embarrassment as I never cared for the stretchy jeans look. But the pants were so comfortable, I really didn't care. We took the first picture that night of my expanding midsection, and were both amazed at how big I already was. Then last week, just before the twins turned twelve weeks old, we took another picture and compared, and it blew our socks off. The growth difference was astounding.

There are many perks to having twins, like the early baby bump that helps you feel dreams have come true. Another is ultrasounds. The majority of parents only get one. A little peek at around twenty weeks to make sure all is well, and most times learn if it's boy or girl. Due to the nature of twins, we get to view our babies every time we go to a doctor. Although it sounds frivolous, it most certainly is not. The doctor checks to make sure both babies are growing well and about the same rate, as well as check the heartbeats. If one started to slow down in growth, we'd need to know right away. Today we got to see them again. Each time is breathtaking and leaves me speechless. Two tiny cell conglomerations turned into tiny pieces of rice with heartbeats, that doubled in size in two weeks, doubled again and gave a show at nine and half weeks, and then doubled yet again in three more weeks. The view started with both their heads, snuggled against each other. We then saw baby A, who once again took the center of attention. You could see its facial profile, watch its heart beat quickly and take gulping breaths. Then it raised its little arm, waved its hand and smoothed back its hair. You could see each bone work to make those tiny movements. Baby B had its back to us again. Maybe its because this one can only fit in my skinny body this way, but we think its once again a personality being reflected. The quiet, shy, reserved baby. It gets me wondering if the two play with each other, having little kicking wars? Or do they cuddle together and give each other reassurance and hugs all day? Probably a little of both, as each seems to be in one's character.

The twins's heads

Baby A the Showoff

Baby B the Quiet
Thursday, November 24, 2011
For a number of years now, we have done Thanksgiving on our own. I always have to be at work at some ridiculous early hour and the drive time never suited us on such a busy week for my job. This year driving is most definitely out of the question. Our neighbors Dan and Robin invited us to spend Thanksgiving with their family. It was a great experience, their family welcomed us as their own. We are thankful for such great neighbors.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
9 1/2 weeks
Today was the coolest day of my entire life. How do you quantify that? As we go through life we experience things that leave a permanent mark on our lives. When I think of the coolest days in my life many things come to mind.
The day my dad showed me how to start the mustang by laying a screwdriver over the terminals on the relay.
The day I discovered the Camaro in Grandpa's garage
The day I bought my first bike from K-mart
The day we moved into the house my parents built
The day I bought my roller blades
The day I learned to sail
The day I learned to ski
The day I acquired my first car
The day I started Grandpa's Camaro, now my Camaro
The day I won the state championship for automotive skills
My first date with my now wife
The day my sisters shared life with a bone marrow transplant
The day I graduated from College
The day I got married
The day I became an ASE Master Tech
The day we bought our first house
The day I changed careers
The day I got my own store
The day we moved to Washington
The day we found out we were going to be parents
Today we saw our babies move about, wiggling their arms and legs.
Many more amazing days to come
Baby 1 has a heartbeat of 157 and measures 30mm
Baby 2 has a heartbeat of 175 and measures 26mm

The day my dad showed me how to start the mustang by laying a screwdriver over the terminals on the relay.
The day I discovered the Camaro in Grandpa's garage
The day I bought my first bike from K-mart
The day we moved into the house my parents built
The day I bought my roller blades
The day I learned to sail
The day I learned to ski
The day I acquired my first car
The day I started Grandpa's Camaro, now my Camaro
The day I won the state championship for automotive skills
My first date with my now wife
The day my sisters shared life with a bone marrow transplant
The day I graduated from College
The day I got married
The day I became an ASE Master Tech
The day we bought our first house
The day I changed careers
The day I got my own store
The day we moved to Washington
The day we found out we were going to be parents
Today we saw our babies move about, wiggling their arms and legs.
Many more amazing days to come
Baby 1 has a heartbeat of 157 and measures 30mm
Baby 2 has a heartbeat of 175 and measures 26mm

Thursday, November 10, 2011
Miracle on 96th St
Nine years, eight months, four days and a few hours is how long we waited. It didn't happen because we relaxed. Nor did it happen because we weren't thinking about it. It definitely didn't happen on day 14, or when I stood on my head. It didn't happen from lack of trying. And it most definitely didn't happen because we learned a life lesson. It happened because of Hope. Our journey began with much anticipation and excitement. Then it slowly become an obsession. Reading every article possible and understanding the science behind it all. It then twisted into hurt and at times, anger. It was frustrating to say the least. Difficult to watch others have no trouble. Difficult to hear advice, no matter how sweet the intention may have been. It stared us obnoxiously in the face, and reared its ugly head through the gestures and words of others. Slowly it became the everyday, and eventually it was accepted. We made it through the long haul of pain, misery, and swallowing pits of despair until one day, peace crawled in and burrowed deep to make wounds so deep and obvious melt away. The bitterness receded. It took strong hearts and minds on this journey we made, and as always, in the end, it was all worth it. A miracle occurred. And not only a small that was double in size.
It was shocking to read a positive on a test I had taken too many times. It was downright unbelievable. So much so, that we took another just to make sure our eyes weren't playing tricks, and that test #1 wasn't a dud. Thinking back now, it's special that we took two tests...each baby was able to tell us, "Yes, I'm truly here!"
It was shocking to read a positive on a test I had taken too many times. It was downright unbelievable. So much so, that we took another just to make sure our eyes weren't playing tricks, and that test #1 wasn't a dud. Thinking back now, it's special that we took two tests...each baby was able to tell us, "Yes, I'm truly here!"
6 weeks with heartbeats of 114 and 108
7 1/2 weeks with heartbeat of 160
7 1/2 weeks with heartbeat of 153
(I'm hard to see because I'm in my sibling's shadow)
(I'm hard to see because I'm in my sibling's shadow)
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
My teeth have sweaters I can't get rid of (you definitely were not expecting that, were you?).
When I was first dating Bryan, he made the comment once about the sweaters on his teeth were driving him nuts. Sweaters? What the...? Sweaters is the cozy plaque that likes to build on your teeth. Brushing and flossing daily will usually solve a sweater problem, but every 6 months or so you need a real deep scrub from the dentist's office. Today I elected to have sweaters put on my teeth. I am finally part of the 'metal mouth club', and it is no picnic.
The pain is agony, and Tylenol does absolutely no good, so I've stopped the alternate medicine routine and been sticking with ibuprofen, which is doing okay. But then I tried to eat. Yesterday I went grocery shopping, and loaded up on soups, yogurts, ice cream, spaghetti-o's and on. I cracked open a can of Chicken Noodle, heated it, and sat down in front of my computer to enjoy a lovely warm bowl of steaming liquid to only realize the noodles kept getting caught on the wires. I wasn't really able to chew, so I pretty much drank my soup. Plus the bottom front wire kept scraping the inside of my lip making me think a noodle was somehow getting trapped lengthwise in the braces. However, once the nutrition hit my tummy, my teeth actually did hurt less. Then I had myself a nice cold drink which really helped my aching mouth. I know I'm a total wimp, but the thought of having to last a week or so before I finally get used to my sweaters is making me seriously reconsider my choice. But if I pulled them off, then what was the good of having 4 teeth pulled to make the room for the others to be straight? That orthodontist was pun intended...he realized with 4 teeth gone it would be great motivation to stick with the sweaters plan.
So hopefully soon, I will no longer have 4 gaping holes in my smile, or a line of wire, or these odd clear plastic things that stick a mile off my teeth. No longer will there be the worry of my tooth next to my front teeth pushing behind, making front tooth B kick out at a funny angle. And I will finally be rid of that oddball canine that has never truly bugged me, except right now, as the bracket makes it even more noticeable. Being 13 the first time around was hard enough. I'm not relishing the idea of living it all over again for the next 18-24 months.
When I was first dating Bryan, he made the comment once about the sweaters on his teeth were driving him nuts. Sweaters? What the...? Sweaters is the cozy plaque that likes to build on your teeth. Brushing and flossing daily will usually solve a sweater problem, but every 6 months or so you need a real deep scrub from the dentist's office. Today I elected to have sweaters put on my teeth. I am finally part of the 'metal mouth club', and it is no picnic.
The pain is agony, and Tylenol does absolutely no good, so I've stopped the alternate medicine routine and been sticking with ibuprofen, which is doing okay. But then I tried to eat. Yesterday I went grocery shopping, and loaded up on soups, yogurts, ice cream, spaghetti-o's and on. I cracked open a can of Chicken Noodle, heated it, and sat down in front of my computer to enjoy a lovely warm bowl of steaming liquid to only realize the noodles kept getting caught on the wires. I wasn't really able to chew, so I pretty much drank my soup. Plus the bottom front wire kept scraping the inside of my lip making me think a noodle was somehow getting trapped lengthwise in the braces. However, once the nutrition hit my tummy, my teeth actually did hurt less. Then I had myself a nice cold drink which really helped my aching mouth. I know I'm a total wimp, but the thought of having to last a week or so before I finally get used to my sweaters is making me seriously reconsider my choice. But if I pulled them off, then what was the good of having 4 teeth pulled to make the room for the others to be straight? That orthodontist was pun intended...he realized with 4 teeth gone it would be great motivation to stick with the sweaters plan.
So hopefully soon, I will no longer have 4 gaping holes in my smile, or a line of wire, or these odd clear plastic things that stick a mile off my teeth. No longer will there be the worry of my tooth next to my front teeth pushing behind, making front tooth B kick out at a funny angle. And I will finally be rid of that oddball canine that has never truly bugged me, except right now, as the bracket makes it even more noticeable. Being 13 the first time around was hard enough. I'm not relishing the idea of living it all over again for the next 18-24 months.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
When I Smelled That the Autumn Had Come
The last 2-3 weeks have been 'hot' for the northwest. We finally sky-rocketed to the mid-90s, and I absolutely loved most of it. It was wonderful seeing blue skies and a yellow sun. My garden had a spastic fit, as the vegetables had no idea what exactly they were meant to do with all that heat. I was very hopeful for my tomatoes. The plant became so gargantuan, it broke its cage, and fell over to only grow into a wild tomato forest. There are millions of green tomatoes that need to turn red. Then on Friday, when I walked outside to take lunch to Bryan, I could smell autumn in the air. The sky was still blue, the sun bright and yellow, but the air was cool. Back down to the usual high 60s to low 70s. I woke on Saturday, excited to enjoy the cool autumn air while I stained our brick. It was not meant to be. The rain was back. And I mean BACK. The clouds are thick, billowy and gray, with no end in sight. This type of weather is depressing. No, not the rain, I enjoy the rain, but the clouds. I'm not accustomed to a blanket of clouds that does not change for days, sometimes weeks on end. There are no patches of blue sky, or bits of sun rays shining through. The day is only punctuated by mist, drizzles, rain, heavy rain, and wet rain. *Sigh* I'm hoping this is just the first of many small storms, and that the blue skies and yellow sun will show themselves several more times before the winter rain is back.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Friday, July 22, 2011
Somewhere Wedged Between the Kidney and Olympic is Summer

In the middle is where these stories lie. Stuck in the foggy parts of my brain that keep saying pssst! don't forget us. Yet how do I muddle through the thick web of tales spun? Where do I tell of the Mustang convertible we drove all over the hills of San Francisco. The plane being brought in from the hanger as the 'reason we're late' excuse, then turned out to be a prop-job straight from the movie screen of Indiana Jones. The crazy kid with his girlfriend behind me on Space Mountain that kept asking how his hair looked and caused me to forget most of the ride. MoneyPenny giving instantaneous directions that involved extreme braking and hairpin right turns. Endless amounts of rain that turned into seven straight days of beautiful northwest summer while family visited, just to turn back into raindrops as they drove away. The first cab I hailed on a dark street with a flick of my wrist actually worked. Eating our favorite Greek food every day in San Fran. Preparing for the worst on the back of Splash Mountain when three 200+ pound guys were sat in the front of our log, then laughing hysterically as I watched the 20-foot wave crest our log canoe. Eating Dippin' Dots at the zoo and watching a baby polar bear belly flop into the pool for a fish. The hand of my nephew grabbing mine over and over again dragging me to the garage saying 'doggies' and loving their drool and excitement to see him. Sitting at the park taking pictures of my childhood home that no longer existed, but reliving many happy memories. Taking pictures of bursting tar to have a girl, yes girl, pass mountain-man gas right next to me.

Before and after it all I've been reading, gardening, (which by the way, has exploded since I planted my seeds a few days before June 19th) cross-stitching, watching endless episodes of Sex and the City and eating many ice cream Snicker's bars all to my heart's content.
We even found time to say good-bye to the Honda and hello to the G8.

Sunday, July 17, 2011
Olympic National Park

We decided to go to Olympic National Park, as with every weekend I have off, the Northwest weather made sure we couldn't see anything. Heavy rain and fog all day, couldn't see more than 25 feet at any given moment. From the looks of the road there is a good chance there might be some great views but all we saw was dark clouds and rain.... Near one of the parking lots at Hurricane ridge there was a blacktail deer walking around. On the way down the mountain the clouds broke for about 1 minute, we hopped out and shot a pic of the mountains. 9 hours in the car and only two pictures, not a great day.
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