Saturday, March 3, 2012

Twin Twist

Yesterday I went in for a regular ultrasound and learned my cervix had shortened significantly and the doctor was worried. I was monitored for contractions but nothing happened so I was sent home on strict orders of bed rest and to call if any cramping or contractions started. It was really hard to not get emotional, as I had been determined to not have to be a bed rest mommy, and the idea of our twins coming early really worried me. I did as the doctor said and went straight home to my bed. It was weird asking Bryan to run and get this and that, especially since I didn't feel 'sick' at all. During the middle of the night I awoke to some sharp pains on my left side and it was murderous trying to lay on that side. I sat up in frustration as sleeping's been uncomfortable for weeks. A few moments later after having some water and getting over my frustration, I realized my belly was tightening really hard. I shook Bryan awake in panic. I drank a bunch of water and laid down again, but a second contraction happened. We called the on call doctor, and were told if I had 4 more contractions within 40 minutes to go to the hospital. Forty minutes later Bryan had a bag packed for me and we headed north. Bryan was so sweet and found me a wheelchair so I wouldn't have to walk (since I am on bed rest orders). He wheeled me to Labor & Delivery and although I felt so strange, and knew I wasn't really in labor, I picked up the night phone and told the nurse "I'm pregnant with twins, am at 24 weeks and have started having..." and the doors swung open. They knew just from those few words what was happening and got me in right away. I truly wasn't expecting to "labor and deliver", just get my contractions under control and go home. So far, it hasn't been the case. Although I've had a couple shots and some pills to help with stopping the contractions, they keep coming back. They are becoming less strong, but not less frequent. The doctor who had seen me yesterday felt terrible for letting me go home, but I was fine with it. At least I knew what a contraction was now. Plus I knew my twins and I were in good hands. I've joked with the nurses it's because we have car seats and a crib, and maybe the fact we've settled on some names. I'm too prepared, and the babies knew it. But deep down, I know it's not the babies, nor is it something I did. My tiny frame doesn't allow for much growing room, and my uterus probably feels like it's stretched to the max and ready to be done. Too bad for it, as I'm not, nor are the babies. We're staying as we are, until at least 34 weeks. So for now, I have the most fortunate circumstances of hospital bed rest. The doctor and nurses are glad I can do work from 'home' as the boredom will get old quickly, and I have many a hobby to keep me busy too. I don't know that even being in the hospital is all that bad, as I'll have more interaction with people than I would at home...but it is only day 1. Hopefully it's only for a few days, and not a few weeks, or few months.


Laura Howard said...

My goodness, Jen! These babies sure aren't making pregnancy easy for you. Good luck with your hospital bedrest and keeping your sanity. Peter and I will be sending positive thoughts your way.

Greg and Nancy said...

Oh wow!! I have been thinking about you a ton lately, and maybe this is why. I am glad that you're in good hands and I'm sending lots of prayers that those babies decide to stay put for a little while longer. I wish I could do something to help!

Marci said...

Oh wow! Please keep me informed! Do you have your cell phone with you? What can I do to help?