Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Raising Arizona

Since the twins were born, lines from this movie keep popping into my head.  The most common line is the one actually used here in this shot, "We're set to pop here honey."  Each time we pull up the chairs and get Laith and Vivienne in our arms, I think "What are you kiddin'? We got us a family here!"

I've always loved this movie, and when the woes of infertility hit our family, it became treasured.  Originally, my most favorite line was "Now y'all without sin can cast the first stone."  I deeply understood the hurt and agony Ed went through, and could relate to H.I.'s angst to make her happy again.  "I even caught myself drivin' by convenience stores...that weren't on the way home."  When we finally learned we were pregnant, and with multiples to boot, the movie took on a stronger meaning.  "We thought it was unfair some should have so many while others should have so few."  "We've been over this.  There's what's right and there's what's right.  Never the twain shall meet."  Even though my initial reaction to the news of twins was shock, I felt completely justified having 'so many'.

The final scene was my most favorite, as it kept the hope alive.  "But still I hadn't dreamt nothin' about me and Ed, until the end.  And this was cloudier, because it was years, years away.  But I saw an old couple bein' visited by their children and all their grandchildren too.   The old couple weren't screwed up, and neither were their kids or their grand kids.  And I don't know.   You tell me.  This whole dream.  Was it wishful thinkin'?  Was I just fleein' reality, like I know I'm liable to do?  But me and Ed, we can be good too.  And it seemed real.  It seemed like us.  And it seemed like, well, our home."

But my most favorite line now is just after H.I. runs back to the car, and tells Ed he got the best one.  He thinks it's Nathan Jr.  And Ed, bursts out with wracking sobs, "I love him so much! (H.I. replies, I know you do honey.)  I love him so much!"  Every night we drive away and as the G8 zooms off onto the freeway, this scene runs through my mind, and I find myself mentally with the same wracking sobs. "I love them so much!"


SheSaid said...

This made me cry. In a happy way. :)

Laura Howard said...

I'm so happy for you guys.

Marci said...

I'm going to have to check out that movie!

Greg and Nancy said...

I just noticed that my comment is showing up under my other blog name. In case you didn't know already, that one is from me. :)