Saturday, May 26, 2012

This Is...

 ...where Mom stayed when we threatened to come too early.
 ...the monitors that tracked our thunderous heartbeats.
 ...the final destination of the infamous daily wheelchair ride Mom got during bed rest.
...the room we did our final growing in.
...where Dad slept when Mom wasn't allowed to go home. I kicked it under phototherapy.
 ...where we were weighed before and after nursing.
...the board that kept Mom & Dad informed of our growth each day.
 ...the isolettes, or 'heat huts' we slept in.
 ...the room we never saw because we came too early.
...the monitors that gave Mom & Dad frequent panic attacks.
 ...the skype shower Mom had with our extended family. passing the car seat challenge.
...the communication center to keep track of all our appointments.
...the pump that has become known as baby #3.
 ...the parking terrace our G8 stayed in all day, ready to take us home, and the sky bridge Mom & Dad crossed several times a day to be with us.
...where Mom hid behind a curtain to pump more milk for us to eat.
...the window that looks over the courtyard that Mom never got to see when she was in the room across the way (far left window just above the exit door).

...where Mom & Dad kept all the items they bring in each day.
...when we were allowed to co-bed.
 ...where the nurses prepared our feedings.
...where Mom sat while she worked & Dad laid when he played Tetris.
 ...the patio Mom ate lunch at one day and wasn't supposed to.
...our graduation photo. coming home without Mom's assistance.
 ...finally, home sweet home.


Criscell said...

I totally am crying right now! I love that last picture of you Bryan! You look so amazingly happy!

Greg and Nancy said...

OH YAY!!!!! I am so, so happy that you're all at home together!!!

Laura Howard said...

Aww, so glad they're home and doing well! I'm very happy for you guys!

Marci said...

I'm so glad that they are home! They are absolutely adorable!

Elicia Launi said...

i love this whole post. :)